I didn't take pictures as I went but have one with two layers of carbon. It has not been trimmed yet so it is kinda ugly and dangerous at the point, no bleeding yet but almost. I did most everything others have suggested but screwed up using the frog tape to cover part of the duct tape. I tried packing tape but it wrinkled up for me and also left a residue so I went with grey duct tape. It separated from the glass easily so I should have just stuck with it.
I cut my strips of carbon down to 4 x 24 and 4 x 30 but wish I had a way for 1 - 4' wide by 72" piece for the final, that way I would have only one seam.
: Dan,
: Do you have pictures of the process you are using? I saw the
: writeup but am still not exactly sure of your method.
: Marc

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Never Again...Again
danperry -- 7/2/2012, 11:41 pm- Re: Strip: Never Again...Again
Marc Upchurch -- 7/3/2012, 9:42 am- Re: Strip: Never Again...Again *PIC*
danperry -- 7/3/2012, 5:32 pm
- Re: Strip: Never Again...Again *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Never Again...Again