: I agree that the glue itself is difficult to remove.
: One trick that I learned from David @ altakayak is to make a curved
: scraper (think Ulu knife) from a scrap of Lexan or plexi (a few
: seconds on the disc sander), and use that to remove glued-on
: foam when necessary. If you've careful you can get the foam off
: (mostly) intact, without scraping the (fiberglass) surface.
All of what you said about spray glue is true John. I recently tried to replace some minicell for someone while at symposium (where I had no access to my usual tools or contact cement) and had to use the 77. I could not get a good coating where I really needed it, and the VOC off gassing was very bad. I also had some overspray even though I masked, the wind was a little gusty. Needless to say it had to be re-done later with contact cement
Bryan K
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Glueing minicell foam
Mike M -- 7/5/2012, 7:16 am- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Bryan K -- 7/5/2012, 9:23 am- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Dan Caouette -- 7/5/2012, 9:28 am- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Mike Bielski -- 7/5/2012, 3:25 pm
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Mike Bielski -- 7/5/2012, 3:24 pm- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam *PIC*
Dave Houser -- 7/5/2012, 3:45 pm - Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam *PIC*
John Abercrombie -- 7/5/2012, 5:49 pm
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam *PIC*
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
John Abercrombie -- 7/5/2012, 5:59 pm- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Bryan K -- 7/5/2012, 8:41 pm - Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
Brian Nystrom -- 7/6/2012, 6:36 am
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam
- Re: Material: Glueing minicell foam