Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
In Response To: Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch? (Geoff Day)
: Thanks Etienne and Mike - appreciate the input - yes it IS tough
: waiting - the hull was done over a week ago and the deck more
: recently so I will wait a further week then off to the lake!
If the surface won't dent with your thumb nail, it'll be fine.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
Geoff Day -- 7/7/2012, 4:47 pm- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
Etienne Muller -- 7/7/2012, 5:41 pm- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
Mike Bielski -- 7/7/2012, 9:49 pm - Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
Geoff Day -- 7/8/2012, 2:17 pm- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
Bill Hamm -- 7/9/2012, 2:41 am
- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?
- Re: S&G: How long after varnishing to launch?