: I put my newly built kayak in the water and upon removal have a few
: spots on the hull where the fiberglass is not bonded to the
: wood. My guess is that I either got a little stingy on the wet
: out coat or didn't let it cure long enough before putting it in
: the water. Is one of these or something else a likely cause for
: this scenario (Yes, I was in a bit more of a hurry than I
: should've been - lesson learned)? More importantly, what is my
: best course for resolving this issue?
: Thanks,
: Tyler
If you Post pics someone might be able to identify the cause of your problem however even without pics you clearly have a problem that can be solved in multiple ways.
You can use a syringe to inject epoxy into the bubble, poke a hole in the opposite side to allow air to escape.
Remove the whole fiberglass coat with a heat gun, sand and re-glass. Lots of work but many people on this site have reconditioned boats with wonderful results.
Cut out the bubbles, feather the edges and patch with new piece of glass. Probably leave a halo effect along the cut edges but will be a great fix.
There are some great tips for wetting out glass on this site and offered by several quality builders and writers. I found that if I follow their directions to the letter I have a flawless wet out time after time.
Lastly, the problem you are having can be solved with a little more work. Try the injection method, paddle your boat for the summer and have fun.
This is a pic of me shamelessly displaying my boat on this site.
Robert, Visionary

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Poor Fiberglass Bond
Tyler N -- 7/16/2012, 7:52 pm- Re: Strip: Poor Fiberglass Bond *PIC*
robert l -- 7/16/2012, 10:57 pm
- Re: Strip: Poor Fiberglass Bond *PIC*