: Now that my son's SOF is well underway (we are paused because the
: boatyard/basement flooded with the recent rains) it is time for
: me to finally put the varnish on the boat (Fishstalker) that was
: built many years ago. I believe the epoxy was Raka but I doubt
: it was the no-blush (Mike???). The boat has been stored in the
: basement under a heavy layer of dust so I am pretty sure there
: has been no UV problems but I am not sure how I would know???
: The plan was to wet sand the epoxy with 180 and then 220 and finish
: with the McClosky Spar Varnish (which I bought when I should
: have finished it previously). Any gotchas that I should be
: looking for?
After cleaning it, I'd scrub it with a scotch brite pad and mild soap and water to remove any traces of blush, won't hurt anything if there isn't any. Sanding won't remove it, just moves it around. I'd sand afterwards though.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
Brian Hanks -- 7/23/2012, 10:23 pm- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
Bill Hamm -- 7/24/2012, 1:31 am- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
Brian Hanks -- 7/24/2012, 5:45 am- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
Bill Hamm -- 7/25/2012, 1:43 am
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
John Abercrombie -- 7/24/2012, 3:29 am- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
Brian Hanks -- 7/24/2012, 5:54 am- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
John Abercrombie -- 7/24/2012, 1:33 pm
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)
- Re: S&G: time to varnish (long overdue!)