: Hello everyone,
: This is my first post. My father and I built a pair of Laughing
: Loon Georgian Bay kayaks when I was in college in 1993-94 (great
: design and great project - thanks Rob!!). Although he has not
: used his in a long time, mine still gets a lot of use (though, I
: took a few years off of kayaking to pursue other hobbies). I
: bought the plans and wood (Eastern White Cedar) to build a
: Redfish Return around 1998 but life got in the way and I never
: started the project. I lurked on this site years ago and am glad
: to see that it is still alive and well... I wish it was around
: when my father and I started our project!!
: The urge to build another boat has hit me. I have the wood, tools,
: experience, etc.... now I just need to figure out which boat.
: Although I would like to build the Return, I think it would make
: a lot more sense to build a boat for my wife (she is currently
: using a Perception Carolina... and it's an ugly tank!). My wife
: is relatively new to kayaking so I would like a boat with decent
: primary stability (akin to the Georgian Bay's). Light weight is
: also a big design consideration. I will use 3/16" strips
: and will do my best to keep the epoxy and glass to a minimum
: (within reason). I would like to re-use the coaming form/jig
: from the Georgian Bay project (1/16" mahogany laminated
: over the bent form). It makes an attractive coaming and the hard
: work (the jig) is already done.
: I still have all of the stations from the Georgian Bay project (2
: sets actually). Could I just shave them down a bit (say ~10%)
: and reduce the distance between the stations by the same
: percentage to get a boat that would fit my ~145 lb wife a bit
: better OR should I consider a different design? If so, is 10%
: enough do you think? If it is not a good idea, what other
: designs should I consider based on the above criteria?
: Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
: -Jon
I'd ask Rob Macks at Laughing Loon, he's always been very open with his advice and it's his design.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which one?
jhakayaker -- 7/27/2012, 12:11 pm- Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o *PIC*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 7/27/2012, 1:27 pm - Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
Joy -- 7/27/2012, 4:36 pm - Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
Allan -- 7/28/2012, 3:23 am - Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
Allan -- 7/28/2012, 3:32 am - Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
John Abercrombie -- 7/28/2012, 3:52 am - Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
Bill Hamm -- 7/29/2012, 2:24 am- Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
Jhakayaker -- 7/29/2012, 9:58 pm
- Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o
- Re: Strip: Strip Built Kayak for my wife - which o *PIC*