I have almost completed the boat I have named the Tuxedo and along the way I have learned some great new methods of strip building, glassing and finishing. I swear my work gets better and more difficult with each boat I make. Now I just have to finish before the boat show this weekend.
I am still working on my seat and padding and I have to rework the bulkheads because I was attempting to use some thin plywood that broke while shaping. I planned on glassing for strength but never made it that far. Not sure what I will use at this point but the rear bulkhead must be strong enough to be used as back support for my seat backrest. I do not want all the straps and buckles so I will shim the backrest to be supported by the bulkhead. I think I will use minicel foam for the front bulkhead.
Here are pics of my latest.
Thanks to Joe for the plans, can not wait to see how this boat paddles.
Robert, Visionary.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: almost ready to launch *PIC*
robert l -- 8/14/2012, 12:23 am- Re: Strip: almost ready to launch *PIC*
robert l -- 8/14/2012, 12:25 am- Re: Strip: almost ready to launch
John Messinger -- 8/14/2012, 1:28 pm- Re: Strip: almost ready to launch
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/14/2012, 5:31 pm - Re: Strip: almost ready to launch
- Re: Strip: almost ready to launch *PIC*