: Chuck,
: I built an 18' Biadarka on an open shelf (like a book shelf with no
: back), ~3' high x 10' long made of 2 x 10 planks. I mounted 2 -
: 10" wheels to one end. I moved this around every day since
: my garage is 19' long. Didn't see a problem, except for shutting
: the garage door on the boat at the end of one work day.
: Marc
I never considered anything but a rolling strong back but the problem was my strong back is several years old and built for a Yost SOF. I simply made it longer and added casters. I moved it in and out for sanding and for nice days when i wanted fresh air, I cut wedges to prevent movement. It would be better a little lower but no point building new when old was fine.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Chuck Smith -- 8/25/2012, 9:45 am- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/25/2012, 10:42 am- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Marc Upchurch -- 8/25/2012, 1:06 pm- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction? *PIC*
danperry -- 8/25/2012, 10:27 pm- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Marc Upchurch -- 8/26/2012, 8:50 am- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Chuck Smith -- 8/26/2012, 10:20 pm - Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Les Cheeseman -- 8/26/2012, 2:18 am- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
danperry -- 8/26/2012, 11:38 am- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Etienne Muller -- 8/26/2012, 2:04 pm
- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
Chuck Smith -- 8/26/2012, 10:16 pm - Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?
- Re: Strip: Moving stripper during consturction?