: I have a question about
: "the-masking-tape-under-glass-technique" (It needs a
: better name). You know that trick to make nice edges on
: reinforcement layers.
: I suppose this technique wouldn't work if I applied epoxy to all
: glass layers at the same time, because then there wouldn't be
: any epoxy under the masking tape. So I guess I should apply at
: least one coat of epoxy to the first layer of glass and then put
: on the masking tape and the reinforcement layer.
: But how much should the first coat dry before applying the masking
: tape? Should it just be tack free or ???
: Palle Dam
: Denmark
It's not really intended for uses like the football or under hatch reinforcing where you want to get all layers on in one go if possible, for various reasons.
It is more useful for hull to deck seam taping and finishing around the skeg box hole and applications like that where the previous epoxy has already hardened

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Masking tape under glass
Palle Dam -- 8/26/2012, 7:53 am- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 8/26/2012, 8:18 am- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass
Palle Dam -- 8/26/2012, 10:48 am- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass
Etienne Muller -- 8/26/2012, 1:56 pm
- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass
- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass
- Re: Strip: Masking tape under glass *PIC*