: I don't know what type of SOF you are building, or your intended
: use. I have a selection of low volume, Greenland style SOF's. I
: paddle them in open water, surf, whatever. I made my float bags
: as large as practical to give me as much flotation as possible.
: In a flooded state, my highest volume SOF (haha!) has the
: combing just above the water. In my other SOF's, the combing is
: below the surface, which really makes a solo rescue hard! This
: is with the biggest float bags I can fit.
: Undersized float bags or substitutes will make any rescue much more
: difficult, especially solo. Even a re-enter & roll will
: usually leave the combing awash in my SOF's.
: Making float bags only takes an hour or two...
: Safe paddling!
: Chuck
Well Chuck now you have me concerned. I have more boat above the water line than I thought I might. I would say about 3" to to the top of the gunwhale. Fairly high volume. I am not overly concerned about solo re-entry as I paddle exclusively with other people. Most of my time is spent on lake washington and some on puget sound. If it get real nasty I get out of the water. I will have to find the link to float bag building and see if it is something I want to tackle. I do like the idea of my boat NOT swamping and staying afloat.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/28/2012, 5:59 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
John Messinger -- 8/28/2012, 6:44 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/28/2012, 7:02 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/28/2012, 8:04 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/28/2012, 8:36 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
Marc Upchurch -- 8/28/2012, 10:10 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/28/2012, 10:13 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/3/2012, 10:18 pm
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
Chuck Smith -- 8/29/2012, 12:00 am- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/29/2012, 1:49 am
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation *PIC*
Sean Dawe -- 8/30/2012, 1:21 pm- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
stefalo -- 8/30/2012, 1:31 pm
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation
dwstucke -- 9/1/2012, 7:37 pm
- Re: Other: Pool noodles as flotation