Strip: Petrel Build
Date: 9/4/2012, 12:45 pm
Date: 9/4/2012, 12:45 pm
I started building a Petrel and have a question I'm hoping I can get some help with.
I lofted the froms from Nick's book (3rd edition) in ACAD everything seemed to look good. I printed full size forms, glued to plywood and cut out. After I mounted them onto the strong back I checked fair at the sheer line and it looks like one of the forms is off by about 1/8". Has anyone else had this problem?
I checked the strong back and the centeline of the forms with a laser and it looks good. Should I just adjust to get it fair (make sure it's symmetrical) and not worry about it?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Petrel Build
David -- 9/4/2012, 12:45 pm- Re: Strip: Petrel Build
John Abercrombie -- 9/4/2012, 2:08 pm - Re: Strip: Petrel Build
Paul Davies -- 9/4/2012, 2:17 pm
- Re: Strip: Petrel Build