Date: 9/8/2012, 1:57 am
Thanks all!
The wood is mostly western red cedar with 1/8" maple accents on the sheer and water line and paddle park, with Peruvian walnut where the padeyes come out of as well as the thigh braces. I went to most of the Home Depots and Lowe's in the area and picked through the 1x's. I picked really dark boards for the sides and lighter boards for the deck and hull below the waterline. I stained everything using the staining technique Nick Schade shows on his Guillemot website including scraping off the stain from the Maple accents afterwards with a utility knife blade. I was pretty inspired by his minimal designs as well as Joe Greenley's. The stain is Behlen Solar Lux mahogany (light red I think), an alcohol based aniline dye.
I bought Nick Schade's paddle plans for the euro paddle, but ended up just using the offsets in his first book, decreasing them by a small % and using Illustrator to graph/print them out. I looked closely at the Cricket Designs website and made a 210 cm, 70 deg, hollow core paddle with cedar sandwiched between ash for the shaft and cedar for the blades, and built up the blade tips with layers of Dynel.
I have a couple more pics here:
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: kayak finished *PIC*
Eric Conrad -- 9/5/2012, 10:50 pm- Re: Strip: kayak finished
ancient kayaker -- 9/5/2012, 11:21 pm- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Eric Conrad -- 9/6/2012, 1:31 am- Re: Strip: kayak finished
John Abercrombie -- 9/6/2012, 11:43 am
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Etienne Muller -- 9/6/2012, 3:35 am- Re: Strip: kayak finished
John Messinger -- 9/6/2012, 6:10 am
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Nick Riccardi -- 9/6/2012, 7:58 am - Re: Strip: kayak finished
John Abercrombie -- 9/6/2012, 11:13 am - Re: Strip: kayak finished
Ian Cummins -- 9/6/2012, 12:59 pm- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Kurt Maurer -- 9/6/2012, 7:08 pm- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Eric Conrad -- 9/8/2012, 1:57 am - Re: Strip: kayak finished
ancient kayaker -- 9/8/2012, 12:06 pm- Re: Strip: kayak finished
Pawistik -- 9/12/2012, 5:22 pm
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished
- Re: Strip: kayak finished