: Wow, that looks like a lot of rocker. It should surf well. I had
: forgotten you used Paulownia. That definitely explains the
: lighter weight. Looks like I am going to come in around 34
: pounds with my 14' displacement hulled SUP thanks to Paulownia.
: Fingers crossed! I have to be careful with the glassing but so
: far I am on track.
Hi Malcolm,
It does look like lots of rocker sitting with the back jacked up on the 10" FCS fin. It is designed for surf and will catch about anything. But I am waiting on the test flight of the Bullet. I hope that is coming soon. I can hardly wait to get started on mine. You must be paddling and surfing instead of building, understandable!
The Paulownia is so amazing to work with, almost as light as Balsa. I got my Balsa and Paulownia from Brad Tucker at WSS. http://www.woodsurfboardsupply.com/ This is a picture of the bottom with the seal coat on just before the glass. You can also see the Balsa rails better. post some pictures of your bullet build for all to see.
I am about through with the Wee Robbie Canoe Build by the way. It is coming at about 18 lbs so light I can hardly believe it.
Clayton P.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: wood strip SUP *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/17/2012, 10:54 am- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 9/17/2012, 2:33 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/17/2012, 2:46 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Dwight Lynn -- 9/17/2012, 8:13 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP *PIC*
clayton Plunkett -- 9/17/2012, 8:55 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Dwight Lynn -- 9/17/2012, 9:30 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
scottbaxter -- 9/19/2012, 9:03 pm
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 9/18/2012, 4:18 pm- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/19/2012, 10:11 am- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 9/20/2012, 3:05 am- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 9/20/2012, 7:54 am
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP *PIC*
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP
- Re: Strip: wood strip SUP