You might as well reply to the whole quote.
Something happens to me an my stuff which I don't antipicate about once ever two years.
Basically I was saying not everything is predictable.
You are just commenting about this one example - which is OK, but not the whole story.
To each his own.
: Not all boats need the same thing since environmental conditions
: vary. How the boat is handled is a factor also.
: When I bragged to Uncle Jay that my Outer Island came in a 30.5
: lbs, the first thing I heard back was concern expressed about
: strength. I figured he lives where rocky shorelines are the
: norm, whereas I must literally drive 200 miles to see a
: naturally occurring rock; it's all sand and mud bottoms around
: here, no chance of any seal landing shenanigans. And a few hard
: seasons later, sure enough, no hint of a problem with it. The
: wise builder (and me too) takes external conditions into account
: when engineering the strength factor he needs -- and every boat
: is an assembly of compromises.
: I'm more than a little surprised at the comment saying sooner or
: later everybody loses a boat. I guess we all know WW people are
: half loco, and/or bounced their beans off rocks a few times
: (speaking of rocks again), maybe that's the deal. But I've never
: come close to losing a boat, nor believe it's any kind of
: inevitability. If you use proper rack systems and proper
: tie-down practices, you should never have a problem. The better
: the cradles fit, the less cinching down is necessary (ratchet
: straps -- OMG!!). I just barely snug my boats down, but use only
: top-quality (Yakima) straps.
: Sermon over, hallelujah!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision *PIC*
John Messinger -- 9/18/2012, 8:39 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision *NM* *PIC*
John Messinger -- 9/18/2012, 8:43 pm - Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Marc Upchurch -- 9/18/2012, 8:47 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
John Messinger -- 9/18/2012, 9:06 pm - Now Waitaminnit
Kurt Maurer -- 9/19/2012, 7:07 pm- Re: Now Waitaminnit
Marc Upchurch -- 9/19/2012, 7:16 pm - Re: Now Waitaminnit
Mike Bielski -- 9/19/2012, 8:40 pm - Re: Now Waitaminnit
ancient kayaker -- 9/19/2012, 10:14 pm - Re: Now Waitaminnit
James -- 9/20/2012, 10:55 am
- Re: Now Waitaminnit
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Allan -- 9/18/2012, 11:13 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Bill Hamm -- 9/19/2012, 1:56 am- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
ancient kayaker -- 9/19/2012, 3:25 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Paul Davies -- 9/19/2012, 5:53 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
ancient kayaker -- 9/19/2012, 10:10 pm- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Bill Hamm -- 9/23/2012, 12:55 am- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
ancient kayaker -- 9/23/2012, 10:24 am- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Bill Hamm -- 9/24/2012, 1:34 am
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Marc Upchurch -- 9/19/2012, 7:38 pm - Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Bill Hamm -- 9/23/2012, 12:54 am
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Mike Bielski -- 9/19/2012, 9:27 am- I had one come off
Jay Babina -- 9/20/2012, 8:47 am- Re: I had one come off
Bill Hamm -- 9/23/2012, 12:58 am - Re: I had one come off
Joy -- 9/23/2012, 7:29 pm- Re: I had one come off
Bill Hamm -- 9/24/2012, 1:35 am
- Re: I had one come off
- Re: I had one come off
- I had one come off
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Mike Savage -- 9/20/2012, 10:17 am - Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision
Etienne Muller -- 9/20/2012, 12:08 pm
- Re: Strip: 65 mph Boat Collision *NM* *PIC*