: Greetings:
: After a year or more of desultory building I am approaching
: completion of my first strip-built boat, Nick's Microbootlegger.
: It has occurred to me that I am going to need some paddles if I
: am actually going to propel it through the water. I've seen lots
: on this forum about the virtues of Greenland style paddles.
: Would they be suitable for a beamier double-paddle canoe like
: the Microbootlegger (roughly 27" at the widest point)?
: Obviously with that boat I don't plan on rolling the boat;
: mostly it will be used on lakes for day trip sorts of fun. My
: on-the-water experience has largely been sliding-seat rowing for
: the last few years, so any advice about the appropriate things
: to build for this boat will be appreciated. And in any case,
: suggestions about how to decide on the appropriate paddle length
: for that particular boat would be helpful, whatever style paddle
: is best.
Hi Bob, My first GP was made with the assistance of Brian Nystrom's book "Greenland Paddles step by Step". IMHO this book was very concise and easy for a newbe to understand and takes you through each step very clearly. Brian is also a contributer to this forum so I recommend his book very highly(thanks Brian) good luck Nick R.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Bob Dean -- 9/23/2012, 5:56 pm- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Nick Riccardi -- 9/23/2012, 7:32 pm- Thanks for the kind comments...
Brian Nystrom -- 9/24/2012, 6:54 am
- Thanks for the kind comments...
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Bill Hamm -- 9/24/2012, 1:27 am - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles *PIC*
Sean Dawe -- 9/24/2012, 10:22 am- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Bob Dean -- 9/24/2012, 11:26 am
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Eric Mattison -- 9/25/2012, 7:53 pm- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
ancient kayaker -- 9/26/2012, 6:00 pm- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Eric Mattison -- 9/26/2012, 6:16 pm - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Jim Ham -- 9/26/2012, 7:49 pm - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
ancient kayaker -- 9/27/2012, 12:21 am- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Bill Hamm -- 9/27/2012, 2:03 am - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Bob Johns -- 9/27/2012, 6:20 am - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Jay Babina -- 9/27/2012, 7:42 am - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles *PIC*
Sean Dawe -- 9/27/2012, 11:15 am - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Eric Mattison -- 9/27/2012, 11:57 am- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles *PIC*
Jim Ham -- 9/27/2012, 4:35 pm - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
ancient kayaker -- 9/27/2012, 4:51 pm - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Sean Dawe -- 9/28/2012, 2:40 pm - Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Mike Savage -- 9/29/2012, 4:10 pm- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Eric Mattison -- 9/29/2012, 6:46 pm- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
Mike Savage -- 9/30/2012, 6:32 am
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles *PIC*
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles
- Re: Strip: suitability of greenland paddles