: I was curious - study plan for $0.99 sounded like a bargain! so I
: just 'bought' the 'study plans' for the Wm Garden 27'9"
: cutter Capt'n Blackburn.
: The digital download produced the equivalent of two very (very!)
: poorly photocopied pages from WoodenBoat magazine, with all
: lines and details completely obscured.
: Other WB 'study plans' may be better?
: . . .
I have the study plan for the Haven 12-1/2 Footer, it is 7 pages in all. It provides an encapsulated history of the design and the design specification, includes 2 alternate sailplans, a nice pictorial plan and cutaway of the hull, a useful midships section, and 3 pages of construction data. The construction pages were photoreduced about 4 or 5 times, assuming the originals were to scale 1:8 as is common for boat plans. The lines are fairly sharp and much of the text can be read with a magnifying glass, although since the original was hand drawn it is not entirely legible. It was designed in 1989 - before widespread adoption of CAD I presume. It is obviously not all that is needed to build the boat.
When I bought it I was looking for the lines or offsets but the package was interesting and adequate for my purposes, and I though it was decent value for $0.99. There's clearly a wide variation of quality and quantity. I can't say which of the 2 plans is typical . . . I'll enquire on another forum.
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
Joe Wuts -- 10/22/2012, 4:30 pm- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
John Abercrombie -- 10/22/2012, 6:29 pm - Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/22/2012, 7:15 pm- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/22/2012, 7:43 pm - Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
John Abercrombie -- 10/22/2012, 9:02 pm- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/22/2012, 11:02 pm - Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/23/2012, 10:43 am- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
John Abercrombie -- 10/23/2012, 1:00 pm- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/23/2012, 3:06 pm
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
Bill Hamm -- 10/23/2012, 1:47 am- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
ancient kayaker -- 10/23/2012, 10:45 am
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans
- Re: Off Topic: Half hull sailboat plans