I am sure by now you've heard. As of this writing the HMS Bounty is going down off the coast of NC. It appears the crew has abandoned ship, which I don't get because the report says it's upright and intact. However, upright doesn't nescessarily mean the gunwales are above water. I always say only step down to get into a lifeboat, and only from the spreaders.
So in her honor, here are the pics of my kayak to the HMS Bounty while in my home port of St. Thomas, VI. I hope the link works. If you can't view it may be because of my security settings, so I will add one pic here. With all those transom windows I can see where one good wave could fill her full of water pretty quick.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10150417806902180.383065.801717179&type=3
Pic (Camera was soaked and the image kind of hazy, but it gives a fitting ghostly look:

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/29/2012, 10:16 am- Re: Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty
Mike Bielski -- 10/29/2012, 9:32 pm- Re: Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/29/2012, 9:38 pm- Why?
Jeff Horton -- 10/30/2012, 9:39 am- Re: Why?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/30/2012, 10:08 am- Re: Why?
ancient kayaker -- 10/30/2012, 3:07 pm- Re: Why? *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/30/2012, 3:55 pm
- Re: Why? *PIC*
- Re: Why?
Bill Hamm -- 10/31/2012, 12:41 am- Re: Why? *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/31/2012, 8:35 am- Re: Why?
ancient kayaker -- 11/2/2012, 9:35 am
- Re: Why?
- Re: Why?
- Re: Why?
- Why?
- Re: Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty
Sean Dawe -- 10/30/2012, 1:04 pm - Re: Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty
- Re: Off Topic: Last rights of the HMS Bounty