: I'm about to order some KajakSport hatches for my Njord build and
: can't decide on which front hatch to get. I'll use a 24cm
: (9") round one in the rear and could use either the same in
: the front or the smaller 20cm (8") one. Either will fit, I
: think, although the larger one might stick up a bit on the
: sides, even with a recess, due to the curved deck.
: What are your opinions on the aesthetics of having equal-sized
: hatches both fore and aft verses smaller one up front? There is
: a fairly large storage area up front on the Njord so would the
: 8" hamper loading ability too much? Overall I'm tending
: towards the minimal on this build, so might be inclined towards
: the smaller one to reduce size and weight but still not sure.
: I'm not planning a day hatch or extra bulkhead in the rear but
: might put a small access hatch w/hanging bag up front for
: essential items.
Any will work, depends much on what you'll be putting in the hatches. If you're going on multi day trips the hatch size will be far more important than if you only do day trips.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
Michael Lynskey -- 10/30/2012, 12:36 pm- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
Bill Hamm -- 10/31/2012, 12:36 am- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
Michael Lynskey -- 10/31/2012, 7:43 pm - Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
ancient kayaker -- 11/2/2012, 11:37 pm- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
Bill Hamm -- 11/4/2012, 1:03 am
- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function
- Aesthetics oxymoron
mick allen -- 11/2/2012, 7:10 pm- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
Oliver -- 11/2/2012, 7:52 pm- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
Marc Upchurch -- 11/2/2012, 9:22 pm
- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron *PIC*
Rob Macks/Laughing Loon CC&K -- 11/3/2012, 12:04 am- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
Michael Lynskey -- 11/3/2012, 9:50 pm - Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
ancient kayaker -- 11/4/2012, 12:42 pm - out, out, damned pot!
mick allen -- 11/4/2012, 4:43 pm
- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
- Re: Aesthetics oxymoron
- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/4/2012, 4:46 am
- Re: Material: Front Hatch aesthetics/function