Date: 10/31/2012, 11:24 am
This has been a long project. I started the whole thing in January ’09 and finally got my day job toned down in November ’11 so I could work on this in earnest. This boat has been a joy to build.
I used 3/16” strips and followed Rob Macks builder’s suggestions for the most part. The hull is northern white cedar that was selected to be as dark as possible. The hull pattern is redwood and western red cedar (sapwood). The outer stems are maple and cherry.
The deck is mostly redwood with poplar for the lightning bolt. The onlay’s are from CLC. I especially like the way the Turtle came out, he blends in perfectly on the redwood. The cockpit rim is stacked 5mm plywood with carbon fiber on the inner face to cover the plywood edges. I originally had the CF on the top of the coaming lip too but it didn’t lay down flat enough and when I sanded the bubbles out the wood was showing through too much.
The outer hull is glassed with 6 oz satin weave S-glass and the rest of it is glassed with 4 oz E-glass. The finish is a 2-part automotive clear coat.
For those who haven’t looked at it, the Fast Double is just that; fast. With a beam of 21” and a 25.5’ OAL it’s long, skinny, and a great way to cover serious distances.
Many thanks to those who’ve posted pictures of their boats and patterns. I couldn’t have done this without this forum.
The rest of the pictures are posted here:

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Fast Double completed *PIC*
Jim Looker -- 10/31/2012, 11:24 am- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/31/2012, 11:41 am- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
Sean Dawe -- 10/31/2012, 11:44 am- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
robert l -- 11/1/2012, 6:56 pm- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
Jim Looker -- 11/2/2012, 12:18 pm
- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
Donovan -- 11/5/2012, 3:06 pm- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
Jim Looker -- 11/6/2012, 7:40 am
- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed
- Re: Strip: Fast Double completed