: I do the decal under the seal coat, i.e. when I seal coat I put the
: decal on then, wetting it out with the seal coat. That way you
: can control it better- keeping it in the place you want it. If
: you try to do it under the glass while glassing and it moves
: around (which it will) you will be cussing (which you will!).
Because I sand the seal coat I don't put it on at that point since I would probably sand through the decal. I wet the location just prior to applying the decal (rice paper), wet it out really good, and then lay the glass over the spot. As Malcolm mentioned it sometimes moves around a little, but I have never had a problem moving it back with a squeegee.
Bryan K

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: decal under glass
Nick Riccardi -- 11/15/2012, 10:16 am- Re: Strip: decal under glass
Nick Riccardi -- 11/15/2012, 10:33 am- Re: Strip: decal under glass
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/15/2012, 10:42 am- Re: Strip: decal under glass *PIC*
Bryan K -- 11/15/2012, 11:39 am
- Re: Strip: decal under glass
- Re: Strip: decal under glass