: I've not yet built a stripper. Hybrid, inflatable, and many SOF's,
: yes. I'd not worry about 1/16, or probably even 1/8" out.
: On my SOF's, I was very particular about making sure the keel is
: straight & true. On one of my kayaks, sometime during
: skinning, the keel developed a strong hook. As I had already
: started varnishing before I noticed the defect, I pressed on-
: nothing to lose, right?
: The kayak actually does not care. I have never, ever noticed the
: kayak favoring one side or handling differently side to side.
: Even if I stop paddling in totally calm conditions, the kayak is
: no more likely to veer right than left.
: Ascetically, the hooked keel bothered me. Practically, it has made
: no difference. Now I have fun letting people paddle my boat,
: then showing them how out of whack it really is :-)
: Happy building!
: Chuck
I've been building a Twin Star Tandem and ran into the problem of how to make a strongback 21' long, perfectly straight and flat and also strong enough to be able to pulley it up out of the way when using the shop for other projects. Being a builder manufactured I-joist came to mind. The are light, stable, perfectly straight and available in any length desired. Using three of these screwed together to make the strongback worked great. Andy
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: New build: How perfect should form symmetry be?
Thor -- 11/18/2012, 10:08 am- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
Kurt Maurer -- 11/18/2012, 10:58 am- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
Thor -- 11/18/2012, 12:58 pm- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 11/18/2012, 7:30 pm- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/19/2012, 7:38 am
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm *PIC*
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
JohnAbercrombie -- 11/18/2012, 2:13 pm
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
JohnAbercrombie -- 11/18/2012, 2:28 pm - The worst symmetry mistake
Jay Babina -- 11/19/2012, 7:56 am- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
Rod Tait (Orca Boats) -- 11/19/2012, 10:40 am- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
Will Nettles -- 11/19/2012, 1:11 pm- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
JohnAbercrombie -- 11/19/2012, 2:50 pm- Re: ladder strongback
Rod Tait (Orca Boats) -- 11/19/2012, 5:01 pm- Re: ladder strongback *PIC*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/19/2012, 6:10 pm- Re: ladder strongback *PIC*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/19/2012, 6:29 pm- Re: ladder strongback
Marc Upchurch -- 11/19/2012, 10:48 pm
- Re: ladder strongback
- Re: ladder strongback *PIC*
- Re: ladder strongback *PIC*
- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
ancient kayaker -- 11/19/2012, 11:08 pm - Re: The worst symmetry mistake
Bill Hamm -- 11/20/2012, 12:53 am
- Re: ladder strongback
- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
mick allen -- 11/20/2012, 12:20 am
- Re: The worst symmetry mistake
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
ChuckS -- 11/19/2012, 8:54 pm- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2012, 4:50 am - Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
andy fraser -- 11/21/2012, 9:01 pm - Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
ancient kayaker -- 11/22/2012, 8:54 am
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm
- Re: Strip: New build: How perfect should form symm