: Have purchased a very nice Stellar Kayaks surfski footbrace system.
: Am curious as to how people have rigged these to allow for
: adjustment and not have to constantly readjust cables. I am
: considering: 1) cables from peddles to the cockpit tied with a
: taughtline hitch to dyneema to the rudder or 2) a long loop from
: the rudder through one foot brace peddle to a padeye on the
: forward bulkhead back through the opposite footbrace peddle to
: the rudder.
Saw your message on FB.
Both the Wahoo FSK and Sea Racer projects this summer used the same Stellar footbrace system. The cord slides weaves through the tops of the footbrace. When you slide footbrace forward or back the angle of the top doesn't change and allows adjustment. So either would work.
I basically did your first option and spliced the cord in the cockpit. For each side I ran a piece of Dyneema cord from the peddles to the cockpit (just behind the seat on the SR) and another from the rudder horn back to the cockpit. For the Wahoo I just used a couple of bowlines.
Hope it answers your question.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Rudder Rigging
Tom Selva -- 11/27/2012, 8:07 pm- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging
PatrickC -- 11/27/2012, 11:48 pm- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging *PIC*
Dan Caouette (CSCWC) -- 11/28/2012, 8:02 am- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging
Chuck Gandy -- 11/28/2012, 2:51 pm
- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging
Alex Ferguson -- 12/8/2012, 4:01 am- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging
Alex Ferguson -- 12/8/2012, 4:03 am - Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Rudder Rigging