Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement *PIC*
By:John Vanderschrier
Date: 1/20/2013, 11:34 pm
Date: 1/20/2013, 11:34 pm
Hi All
I have completed a Guillemot single, having lofted it from Eric Shade's book "The Strip Built Sea Kayak" and now I am beginning to loft the Guillemot Double and I have run into a problem....I can't seem to find where to position the cockpits. I'm sure I missed it someplace but have no idea where. I have searched this forum but couldn't find any thing about it....any suggestions????
On another note, is there somewhere on this forum for build journal's??? Would any one be interested if I did? Just wondering, I wont bother if no one is interested.
Thanks in advance for any help the cockpit problem.
Blue Skies

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement *PIC*
John Vanderschrier -- 1/20/2013, 11:34 pm- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
John Abercrombie -- 1/21/2013, 1:14 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 1/21/2013, 5:00 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
Kevin -- 1/21/2013, 5:52 pm- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
John Vanderschrier -- 1/21/2013, 11:09 pm- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
Dwight Lynn -- 1/22/2013, 10:58 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
John Vanderschrier -- 1/22/2013, 10:04 pm
- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement
- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Guillemot Double Cockpit Placement