The rasp Paul mentioned is a "four-in-hand" or "shoe" rasp. They are very good for taking down runs and drips and available in different sizes and quality. Nicholsen makes good ones.
Also a tool that has recently come on to the US market is a Japanese float. This is like a rasp but with long smooth blades instead of small point teeth. These leave a smoother finish than the typical rasp, but are more aggressive than a file.
The float style tool is available from Japanwoodworker and Highland Hardware:
I also like the Shino Wood Rasp which can quickly level a run on a flat surface down to nothing without touching the surface.
The floats are nice but get pricey so I generally stick to the 4-in-hand.

Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Epoxy runs
Jack Hawkins -- 1/25/2013, 5:47 pm- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
Rod Tait (Orca Boats) -- 1/25/2013, 7:41 pm- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
Paul Sylvester -- 1/26/2013, 5:53 am- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
Marc Upchurch -- 1/26/2013, 9:22 am
- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs *PIC*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/26/2013, 12:06 pm- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
MattD. -- 1/26/2013, 1:09 pm - Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs
- Re: Epoxy: Epoxy runs