1. Equal strip thickness helps.
Understatement alert! A little variance in strip thickness = a huge amount of additional sanding! I have developed the following technique: create six or so strips about 9" long to exquisite accuracy. Use a micrometer. Take all the time necessary to make them perfect, absolutely perfect. Then consider them masters, and give them a safe and sacred home to live in. Use them to set your table saw or whatever else, and enjoy vastly improved consistency in future strips.
2. I tried to book match and scarf some of my strips and getting both ends to align and staggering my scarf is not working as well as I would like.
Perfectionist alert! Have you heard of the Ten Foot Rule? Step back ten honest feet to examine your results. There, all better! You're welcome.
3. After trying several types of painters tape I have started using bicycle inner tube strips to add pressure clamping the strips together.
3M green tape is stretchy, and works wonders .... but it has to be genuine 3M. I won't dispute the use of inner tubes, but might caution against excessive force required to accomplish adequate clamping pressure. As with hatch seals, the oomph necessary for excellent results is surprisingly little. Point is, if you're having to stand on them to get what you want, might study the situation from a more finesse angle.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Update on beveling learning curve *PIC*
Thor -- 2/11/2013, 10:32 pm- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 2/12/2013, 7:43 pm- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
Thor -- 2/12/2013, 8:08 pm- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
Malcolm Schweizer -- 2/12/2013, 9:43 pm- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
Bill Hamm -- 2/13/2013, 2:03 am- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
Mike Savage -- 2/13/2013, 5:05 pm - Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
James -- 2/13/2013, 9:12 am- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
ancient kayaker -- 2/13/2013, 11:51 am
- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve
- Re: Strip: Update on beveling learning curve *PIC*