here are two issues with epoxy. It's a film finish and you have to maintain it, or water will seep under it and become trapped, causing staining and potentially rotting the wood. On an item like a paddle that sees a fair amount of abrasion and/or abuse, maintaining a film finish can be a hassle. Additionally, it degrades when exposed to UV light, so you need to protect it with varnish or paint, further complicating the application process.
Sorry, can't resist defending an epoxy/vanish paddle finish.
There are a lot of variables that might effect your choices.
If your paddle is made exclusively of western red cedar it will be very lightweight and very prone to dents, bruises and cuts.
I know when I'm making a paddle of western red cedar, a slip of the tool, a clamp in the wrong place, or a drop on the floor can leave a significant dent, or cut.
An oil finish, or an oil/varnish finish will not protect your paddle from everyday bumps and scrapes.
Hardwoods placed in high impact/abrasion areas can reduce wear.
I apply an epoxy coating with a varnish finish on my paddles first of all, because I want to see the beauty of the wood.
MOST people apply an oil finish because they are in a hurry to use the paddle and don't want to take the extra time to enhance the beauty of the wood. That's just fine. If it good enough for you the choice is yours. If you want the short cut you will find many on the path to support your choice.
I've worked wood and with other woodworkers for many years and I know how quick and easy an oil finish is for furniture. You can apply a couple coats and yes the wood looks good, but not as good as it can if time is taken to sand and apply many coats to bring out the deep luster intended for a professional oil finish. Finishing is a whole nuther ball game most people want to skip, because they thought they were done when they finished the woodworking.
For outdoor/water environments an oil finish CAN give some protection, but few people know how to do a proper oil finish, one or two coats and that's it. Again, that's fine if it works for you, but a good oil finish needs to be recharged almost every time you use a paddle.
I apply five coats of epoxy, sand smooth, and add three coats of varnish, to my paddles. The epoxy and varnish not only provide a beautiful deep lustrous finish, highlighting the woods, but it provides a hard, tough, shell that resists dents and scrapes and like a stripper boat, can be brought back to NEW condition with a fresh coat of varnish.
I find the smooth epoxy/varnished surfaces provide a good, comfortable, firm grip and sheds water fast.
So, yes you can work first, and perhaps a bit more, on an epoxy/varnish finish for your paddle, or you can work later, and every week, to maintain a good oil finish.
Or you can neglect either finish to the point where you have permanent damage that degrades the paddle.
To be fair, I have not used a paddle with an oil finish, I don't care for the look of the ones I've seen and I rather not do the constant reapplication necessary to maintain a top quality oil finish, I think there are very few people who do. This is my bais.
My 8' Aleut paddles weigh around 38 oz. and my 82" Greenland paddles weigh around 24 oz. This is with hardwood accents, and abrasion proof tips. I like these weights. Most paddlers who handle my paddles find them lightweight.
Your experiences may vary.
All the best,

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Sodbuster -- 6/23/2013, 10:50 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Bill Hamm -- 6/24/2013, 2:39 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Mike Bielski -- 6/24/2013, 1:46 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Brian Nystrom -- 6/25/2013, 6:29 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Sodbuster -- 6/25/2013, 8:32 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Bill Hamm -- 6/26/2013, 2:05 am
- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish *PIC*
Rob Macks/Laughing Loon CC&K -- 6/25/2013, 4:33 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Bill Hamm -- 6/26/2013, 2:09 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Bill Hamm -- 6/26/2013, 2:12 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 6/27/2013, 9:56 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Bill Hamm -- 6/29/2013, 10:05 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Kurt Maurer -- 6/29/2013, 10:21 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Glenn -- 6/29/2013, 9:49 pm
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- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Joy -- 6/28/2013, 5:23 pm - Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
Sean Dawe -- 6/25/2013, 2:58 pm - Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish
- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle finish