Date: 7/19/2013, 8:34 am
I finally finished my Night Heron this week.
I wanted to learn some new techniques like vacuum bagging and gain more experience with carbon and kevlar fibers. made lots of mistakes, learnt a lot. This one weighs in at 26lbs, since I rushed it in the end the weight went up considerably. I will definitely be more careful on my next one (a Björn Thomasson havsracer).
I used 3/16" thick strips (WRC), 7.4oz carbon/kevlar hybrid on the hull outside, 6oz carbon twill on the inside throughout and 6oz glass twill on the deck. Flush hatches hold with magnets. The coaming is made of carbon, glass and kevlar (the kevlar was a bad idea since sanding the edge is impossible). 2 fillcoats of epoxy on the outside, only one on the inside. Selfmade skeg (I'm still waiting for dyneema cord to arrive). Painted with 2part polyurethane, 2 coats of the black and 2 coats of clear all over. I wanted to get it spraypainted but couldn't find anyone in Montreal who was willing to do it (why, I do not understand…).
Altogether I'm pretty happy with the result considering it's the first kayak I ever built. However, I want the next one to be a few pounds lighter and have ordered some lighter unidirectional carbon. Maybe I'll try to infuse the hull, bagging is just too stressful in these temperatures.
Launch should happen this sunday, depending on the weather…

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck) *PIC*
Matt Jakubek -- 7/19/2013, 8:34 am- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
John Messinger -- 7/19/2013, 11:41 am- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Marc Upchurch -- 7/19/2013, 12:07 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/19/2013, 12:26 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/19/2013, 12:29 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Mike Bielski -- 7/19/2013, 12:55 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
John McEwan -- 7/19/2013, 7:49 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/20/2013, 10:11 am
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/19/2013, 12:50 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Kurt Maurer -- 7/19/2013, 7:45 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/19/2013, 10:40 pm
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/20/2013, 10:15 am- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Jim Farrelly -- 7/24/2013, 11:51 pm - Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Jack Hawkins -- 7/20/2013, 5:22 pm- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
Matt Jakubek -- 7/22/2013, 9:03 am- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
David Bartnowski -- 7/22/2013, 12:02 pm - Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)
- Re: Strip: Finished Night Heron (high deck)