Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle (C Plunkett)
I understand completely about light usage not needing the glass. Eye candy, that paddle is.
Life in Fiji is good. I miss Kurt too. I stole a lot of good ideas from him. Now I have to think more for myself. Wish he would move to Fiji.
I have a great sea kayaking environment here and welcome experienced paddlers to join me on the water (I have the boats and gear). Here's a sunset from last week on my farm:

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle *PIC*
C. Plunkett -- 8/2/2013, 12:15 pm- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
John Messinger -- 8/2/2013, 1:07 pm- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
Brian Nystrom -- 8/3/2013, 12:17 pm- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
C Plunkett -- 8/5/2013, 11:02 am
- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
scottbaxter -- 8/4/2013, 8:33 pm- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
C Plunkett -- 8/5/2013, 11:07 am
- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
John Caldeira -- 8/7/2013, 12:58 am- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
C Plunkett -- 8/7/2013, 11:45 am- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
Mark Vander Horck -- 8/7/2013, 5:53 pm- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle *PIC*
John Caldeira -- 8/8/2013, 2:45 am - Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle *PIC*
- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle
- Re: Other: Father In Law's canoe paddle