I took this photo while clearing snow from Shannon's driveway. This deer walked right up beside me while I worked. Shannon has mentioned before that deer frequent her neighborhood and I have seen them in the front yard but they tended to be rather skittish if I got too close. This deer was different...it stood there watching me shovel, sometimes looking around, sometimes watching me again. I talked to it to gentle any fears it might have had but found it unconcerned that I was there. I snapped this photo with my cell phone as it walked away. I posted the image on Facebook and it was Ken Sutherland who noticed something odd about the deer. It has a red nose. I completely missed the red nose. I think I made the "good" list since I was out shoveling Shannon's driveway. If it isn't really Rudolph, then I am thinking this deer enjoyed just a little too much seasonal cheer.
Robert N Pruden

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Rudolph is real... *PIC*
Robert N Pruden -- 12/24/2013, 2:26 pm- Re: Other: Rudolph is real...
Bill Hamm -- 12/25/2013, 12:24 am
- Re: Other: Rudolph is real...