I've done a lot of seats from a mold I made from plaster covered with glass/epoxy and polished smooth.
To do a mold release properly, the mold has to be highly polished - more smooth than a mirror or it will stick. I've lent my mold to people and it always comes back damaged. People have tried mold release (3 coats) vasoline, wax paper etc.
What I do now is is use seran wrap. I can get almost wrinkle free - maybe a few wrinkles. The seran wrap sticks to the seat but comes right off the mold. I use a propane torch and melt it off the seat in seconds and then I sand and coat the inside of the seat. I too have tried everything and had a few times I had to pry the seat off the mold with a lot of force. the epoxy/glass shrinks so it can really tighten up on the mold. I have 100% luck with the seran wrap and I pull the seat off long before it gets rock hard.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Paul Sylvester -- 4/4/2015, 6:41 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Jay Babina -- 4/4/2015, 7:59 am- retry on Pic *NM* *PIC*
Jay Babina -- 4/4/2015, 8:01 am
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
JohnAbercrombie -- 4/4/2015, 10:57 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/4/2015, 11:13 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Bill Hamm -- 4/5/2015, 12:15 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Paul Sylvester -- 4/5/2015, 6:47 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Jay Babina -- 4/5/2015, 8:33 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Dan Caouette (CSCWC) -- 4/5/2015, 10:08 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
JohnAbercrombie -- 4/5/2015, 12:09 pm - Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
fadedred -- 4/5/2015, 10:03 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Paul Sylvester -- 4/5/2015, 12:30 pm
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Bob Ten Eyck -- 4/5/2015, 6:05 pm- Glad press-n-seal
Jay Babina -- 4/7/2015, 8:35 am - retry on Pic *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*