Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Seeking: mold advice (Paul Sylvester)
Ditto what Jay said: at least 6 layers of 6 oz.
I build mine by first brushing on a "gel coat" of clear epoxy. After it sets up slightly I'll laminate the rest: a layer of light glass (like 3 oz), followed by a layer of carbon fiber (for looks), then four layers of glass, finishing with another layer of carbon. The first layer of light glass and gel coat add depth and protect the carbon if you need to do any sanding (hopefully not). Twill carbon also conforms better than plain weave.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Paul Sylvester -- 4/4/2015, 6:41 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Jay Babina -- 4/4/2015, 7:59 am- retry on Pic *NM* *PIC*
Jay Babina -- 4/4/2015, 8:01 am
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
JohnAbercrombie -- 4/4/2015, 10:57 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/4/2015, 11:13 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Bill Hamm -- 4/5/2015, 12:15 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Paul Sylvester -- 4/5/2015, 6:47 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Jay Babina -- 4/5/2015, 8:33 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Dan Caouette (CSCWC) -- 4/5/2015, 10:08 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
JohnAbercrombie -- 4/5/2015, 12:09 pm - Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
fadedred -- 4/5/2015, 10:03 am- Re: Seeking: mold advice
Paul Sylvester -- 4/5/2015, 12:30 pm
- Re: Seeking: mold advice
- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*
Bob Ten Eyck -- 4/5/2015, 6:05 pm- Glad press-n-seal
Jay Babina -- 4/7/2015, 8:35 am - retry on Pic *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Seeking: mold advice *PIC*