Boat Building Forum

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Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
Date: 5/27/2017, 12:13 am
In Response To: Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl (JohnAbercrombie)

I've used the 'Happy Bottom' (aka Creature Comfort) seat and it was OK - it was one of the options that Mariner Kayaks in Seattle offered; my wife's Elan came with one. I much prefer seats that are 'slippery' as it's easier to get good rotation for an efficient stroke. The Redfish seats are popular, and I think they come pre-fitted for some Pygmy designs.
You can grind foam with a 36 grit disk in a 5" grinder, but it's tricky. You can also shape foam by hand with rasps and 'DragonSkin' metal abrasive.

Thanks. The CLC seat I'm referring to is this one: Has anyone else here tried one?

I doubt that the builder had actually done that before. I don't think that would be a very waterproof or rot-proof solution, and a 1/2" dowel won't leave enough wall thickness to accommodate even 3/16" line. If you do choose this method, drill the wood before you glue it in place. I've used a plastic (grey PVC) tube roughened and epoxied in place, in some canoes. Or you can do an epoxy end pour and just drill through that; it's a much more reliably waterproof method.
Single-line toggles are much safer than 'strap' or 'rope loop' handles. You can buy the actual rubber handles cheaply on eBay or drill a piece of PVC conduit.

Thanks. How do you do an end pour? It's a looooooong way from the cockpit opening to the tip of the bow and stern, how do you pour resin in there without making a huge mess?

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handles
Nonprophet -- 5/26/2017, 1:01 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/26/2017, 3:23 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
Nonprophet -- 5/27/2017, 12:13 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/27/2017, 2:53 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl *PIC*
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/27/2017, 3:38 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/27/2017, 3:04 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
Bill Hamm -- 5/27/2017, 12:22 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/27/2017, 3:28 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl *PIC*
Nonprophet -- 5/28/2017, 8:50 pm
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/28/2017, 10:00 pm
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
Nonprophet -- 5/28/2017, 8:28 pm
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
JayBabina -- 5/28/2017, 7:29 am
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
bsoderholm -- 5/28/2017, 5:47 pm
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl
Bill Hamm -- 5/28/2017, 9:49 pm
Re: Seeking: Advice for seat mods and toggle handl *PIC*
JohnAbercrombie -- 5/28/2017, 10:04 pm