Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
By:Patrick North
Date: 6/2/2017, 8:45 am
Date: 6/2/2017, 8:45 am
Hello all,
I've searched through many posts focusing on home-built wooden seats but have not picked up much in the way of consensus on best mounting practices. A rigid seat obviously creates the potential for strong pressure points that wouldn't be an issue with a foam seat. One of Nick's well-documented examples seems to utilize a single center track (also meant for adjusting the position of the seat) and a few others opt for a pair of rails on the underside of the seat.
Any thoughts on how to mount a rigid seat while minimizing the potential for damage to the hull? This is a strip build, 6oz glass inside and out.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
Patrick North -- 6/2/2017, 8:45 am- Re: Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
Etienne Muller -- 6/2/2017, 8:59 am - Re: Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
JohnAbercrombie -- 6/2/2017, 10:38 am - Re: Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
JayBAbina -- 6/2/2017, 4:48 pm - Re: Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting
bob borovicka -- 6/2/2017, 5:46 pm
- Re: Strip: wood/rigid seat mounting