If you already have hatches, I would definitly put bulkheads in. If one of you hatches comes off now you could easily fill the kayak completely with water. The bulkheads should stop total filling. A set of foam bulkheads should be easy to make and also be light weight. Just shape one from the form just behind the cockpit, and the other from the one just in front of the footpegs.
Right now, my two kayaks don't have hatches and bulkheads, and I wish the did. I may try to put them on my Pygmy this summer.
: I cut my strips a hair under 1/4" from Lowe's western red cedar planks,
: finished 3 sides. Actually, I visited 4 Lowes in my area one weekend to
: pick out their best pieces.
: The weight includes the hatch covers. I don't have bulk heads, which may be a
: mistake. I've order float bags. I'm new to this and didn't pick up on this
: bulk head thing until a couple weeks ago when people started talking about
: them here. I'll have to do a little more work on my role so I don't have
: to fill the yak with water;-)
: My first trip with my new yak will be to the thousand islands, upstate NY.
: But normally I'll be using it here in SC. The thousand islands are rock.
: Here, it's just red clay and sand. There will be 18 of us at the thousnad
: island and not a snow balls chance in heck that yak won't meet rock. I'll
: do some before and after pictures. However, having nearly completed this
: thing, I don't think there is anything they can do to her that I can't
: fix.
: Dwight
Messages In This Thread
- survey on glassing deck and cockpit
john -- 7/6/2000, 8:58 am- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Jack Martin -- 7/7/2000, 6:11 pm- Re: survey answer
lee -- 7/7/2000, 11:48 pm- Re: survey answer
Bill H. -- 7/8/2000, 12:50 am- Re: survey answer
lee -- 7/8/2000, 7:42 am
- Re: survey answer
- Re: survey answer
- Re: survey answer
- Re: weight and other priorities
lee -- 7/6/2000, 10:04 pm- Rounding off the sheer clamps
Jason -- 7/7/2000, 11:17 am
- Rounding off the sheer clamps
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Don Herring -- 7/6/2000, 9:53 pm - Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Dwight -- 7/6/2000, 7:24 pm- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Mike Hanks -- 7/7/2000, 11:36 am- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Dwight -- 7/7/2000, 12:39 pm- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Mike Hanks -- 7/7/2000, 1:22 pm
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
- Wow!
Vernon Lowery -- 7/7/2000, 9:38 am- It's the Lauan
Brian Nystrom -- 7/7/2000, 11:00 am- on luan and varnish
Vernon Lowery -- 7/7/2000, 4:43 pm- Re: on luan and varnish
lee -- 7/7/2000, 11:32 pm- water or fuel
Vernon Lowery -- 7/8/2000, 8:14 pm
- water or fuel
- Re: on luan and varnish
- on luan and varnish
- Re: Wow!
peter czerpak -- 7/7/2000, 10:21 am
- It's the Lauan
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Mike Hanks -- 7/6/2000, 2:30 pm - Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Don Beale -- 7/6/2000, 1:14 pm - Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
Charles Cooper -- 7/6/2000, 12:38 pm - Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
peter czerpak -- 7/6/2000, 11:17 am - Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
peter czerpak -- 7/6/2000, 11:06 am- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
john -- 7/6/2000, 11:21 am- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
peter czerpak -- 7/6/2000, 11:44 am
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit
- Re: survey on glassing deck and cockpit