I'll second Gunflint Trail out of Grand Marais to Saganaga Lake. Apply now for your permit so you'll be able to reserve the days you want. They have a limit on how many groups can enter.
The road out of Grand Marais is a beautiful ride. It ends in the parking lot at the put in on Seagull Lake. You can go north from there to Saganaga, or go west and paddle around on the smaller lakes. Charts of the area show the portage points, and the length you'll hike at each portage. As I recall, the distances are given in rods (16 feet to a rod?) based on a straight line distance. Of course nothing is really in a straight line there
Pack light. Happy portaging.
check websites on the area:
Oh, and there is a lodge in Lutsen, (town next to Grand Marais) which has a great cook--and one of the regulars on this board works there, too. They are right next to the state park.
enjoy your vacation
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Waters Canoe Area
Greg Bridges -- 1/8/2008, 12:03 am- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water *Pic*
Bryan Hansel -- 1/9/2008, 9:40 pm- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
Greg Bridges -- 1/9/2008, 11:52 pm- Lake 1,2,3 & 4. This is lake 3. *Pic*
John Monroe -- 1/11/2008, 5:02 am
- Lake 1,2,3 & 4. This is lake 3. *Pic*
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
J R Ackley -- 1/9/2008, 8:39 pm- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
Greg Bridges -- 1/10/2008, 12:09 am- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/10/2008, 2:18 pm- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
Bryan Hansel -- 1/10/2008, 7:58 pm
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
- I'll second Gunflint Trail/Saganaga Lake
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/8/2008, 6:07 pm- Re: I'll second Gunflint Trail/Saganaga Lake
Greg Bridges -- 1/10/2008, 12:16 am- Re: I'll second Gunflint Trail/Saganaga Lake *Pic*
Bryan Hansel -- 1/10/2008, 8:33 am
- Re: I'll second Gunflint Trail/Saganaga Lake *Pic*
- Re: I'll second Gunflint Trail/Saganaga Lake
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
John Enyart -- 1/8/2008, 7:15 am- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
Bryan Hansel -- 1/9/2008, 9:46 pm
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water
- Re: Seeking: Best 3-4 day paddle in Boundary Water *Pic*