: It was indeed a nasty snow day today. Linda decided that it would
: be a cold day in hell before she drove in this weather (almost 2
: feet of snow expected by tomorrow morning...had over a foot and
: some already) and she decided that I needed to stay home as
: well. Well, who am I to argue as visions of working on the kayak
: immediately formed in my head. I spent a couple of hours sanding
: but kept looking outside then looking up at the VJ, hanging
: rather forlornly from the ceiling. By noon I had enough of
: attempting to styme the desire to get on the river. I talked to
: Linda and suggested that since she had a doctors appointment, I
: might as well go paddle. I swore I'd be only an hour on the
: water or so (yah, right!). I got in 3 hours of paddling and came
: home to a wonderfully delicious hot dinner which included
: meatloaf, spuds, beans and tabuli (that greek parsley salad).
: Interestingly, during the drive home the local CBC radio station
: was chatting about how great the snow would be for skiers. Right
: away I felt as if they needed to understand that kayaking season
: was not over and kayakers (well, some kayakers) love snow, too!
: I phoned them to chat briefly. They not only mentioned my call
: on the radio but now want to interview me tomorrow so that they
: can run a story about winter paddling and what it is like to be
: on the river during a winter storm. The station is CBC Radio One
: (AM) and the show is Radio Active (afternoon show). Listen in if
: you think cold weather paddling sucks...maybe you'll come to
: understand how wrong you are.
: Robert N Pruden
I'll admit that I find winter paddling to be as, if not more, comfortable as summer. Here in Newfoundland we sit right out in the North Atlantic where the winters are cold (sub zero) but luckily the salt water does not freeze - although we do get the pack ice ice and ice bergs in the spring. Just add another layer of thermals, a pair of neoprene mitts and a balaclava (if the air temps re too cold of or a capsize is quite possible) and you're good to go. You are fine when paddling as you generate plenty of heat. The problem is when you stop for lunch and you start to cool down REAL fast. The water in the winter is much clearer as there is less seaweed and such. The sub surface views are most spectacular. Many people shy away from winter paddling because of the cold but if you are dressed properly (for full immersion) and have a decent sets of skills, it is no different than in the summer.
Back on Nov 11,2009 a group of us got in a wicked and unexpected snow squal. We we're paddling out on Conception Bay when the wind switched 180 and blew so hard that we, literally, could not turn into it. Then the snow came and darkness was just beginning to fall. We managed to land in the surf, make our way to a small shelter. Luckily we had a cell phone or two with us and calls were made to pick us up. I had on a farmer john and a paddling jacket. I was not wet but the cold came in through that set up pretty quick. I vowed never to paddle in those conditions aver again without a drysuit. By the following weekend, I was the proud owner of a brand new Palm Stikine suit. My wife never even batted an eye when I told her I wanted to spend 1000.00 on a suit. She knew I'd be winter paddling all season so I guess that was money well spent!!!
The attached image was taken on a winter paddle a few years back. Air temps were -10 but we still manage to get a good group of 10 paddlers out for 6 hours on the water!!

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day *PIC*
Robert N Pruden -- 11/7/2012, 8:56 pm- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
scottbaxter -- 11/7/2012, 9:14 pm- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
Robert N Pruden -- 11/7/2012, 10:08 pm- Hey, Kenny...
Robert N Pruden -- 11/7/2012, 10:09 pm- Re: Hey, Kenny...
Kenneth Sutherland -- 11/7/2012, 11:10 pm
- Re: Hey, Kenny...
- Hey, Kenny...
- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day *PIC*
Sean Dawe -- 11/8/2012, 1:00 pm- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
Robert N Pruden -- 11/8/2012, 6:30 pm- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
Sean Dawe -- 11/8/2012, 8:33 pm
- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
- The ensuing Radio interview...and a story for yas
Robert N Pruden -- 11/8/2012, 5:29 pm - Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day
- Re: Off Topic: Winter storm = paddling day