Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
By:Gelu Botezan
Date: 1/2/2012, 4:45 am

: I remembered this post, barely, you do realize it's from April of
: last year?

Mr Hamm,

I do realize this :) , the question is still actual though.

May be my command of English, that is not helping much when it comes to subtileness. I am living in Romania(EU), so, not an English language native.
I actually mean that I could not find a site where industry boats to ever be compared with strips. It seems to me like the industry ignore the strip world, and viceversa. I just wonder why?
Let's take the Guillemot; it is a well estabished boat on the market, built many(hundreds,thousands times?) Why never compared with industry products ? I, as a potential buyer only can appreciate the way it looks.
I searched specifically for answers to this question while thinking that some of the builders are also instructors/guides , that surely could make this comparison. Ok, admitting there is a certain degree of subjectivity in this.
While some of the builders are actually making a living from selling strip kayaks( S&G as well) I think it would be in their interest to promote these projects as at least equals to industry kayaks, main differrence laying in the manufacturing process.
I am sure their potential customers would highly appreciate such a comparison, while having the opportunity to rent during their holidays, a Avocet, Nordkapp ... can't mention them all, rather than a strip boat.

I am not a builder in this respect, I am an amateur. I also am far from kayaking word(keep me informed only over the net)
The first time I saw a seakayak live, was when I built Bryan Hansel's Siskiwit SOF, a few months ago :)
I try to find out if I would rather buy or build a boat(building should be cheaper for me) with the same life span expectancy(repairs included) and that should handle somehow comparable (here the comparison need ) As this project could be the last I can afford , and testing boats is not a matter in my reach, I really have a tough decision to face :)
sorry for being offtopic while not reffering to a specific building question


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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Gelu Botezan -- 1/1/2012, 3:03 pm
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Gelu Botezan -- 1/2/2012, 2:51 pm
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Bill Hamm -- 1/2/2012, 2:09 am
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Gelu Botezan -- 1/2/2012, 4:45 am
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Bill Hamm -- 1/8/2012, 3:52 am
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
les cheeseman -- 1/2/2012, 9:48 am
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Etienne Muller -- 1/2/2012, 12:52 pm
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
Bill Hamm -- 1/2/2012, 6:19 am
Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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Re: Strip: Commercial boats similar to strip built
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