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Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
By:Bill Boyd
Date: 7/27/2000, 9:36 pm
In Response To: Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth (Shawn B)

: Hi Pete,

: Inspired by ZuZu?!

: That sounds pretty straightforward. Having a central foam mandrel or
: something would make aligning the wood strips easier. However, I need to
: think of a good way to keep the composite on the mandrel until I get the
: strips around it.

: Thoughts?

: Shawn

Hi Shawn a few months ago I built a hollow cedar shaft paddle with a 3/4" dia hole in the center and fiberglassed the inside of the shaft with 6 oz cloth the shaft came out nice and light with lots of flex and so far bulletproof axcept that the shaft gets dinged easily. But your idea for the oval shaft seems as if it would work out great for me. I used a 10' length of 1/2" id copper pipe and cut a bicycle innertube about 6" from the valve and clamped the tube to the pipe at one end then stretched the rest of it down the pipe about 8' then clamped it in position there . I then wound epoxy soaked bias cut cloth around the innertube after of course coating it first with release agent (car polish), then assembled my four piece square shaft around it and clamped it in several places with a few wraps of vinyl eletricians tape then inflated the tube untill the joints opened up slightly and the epoxy began oozing out then after about ten minutes release the pressure slightly and wrapped the entire length with tape and increase the pressure a small amount. check your shaft for straigtness , and the air pressure from time to time. This also saved me from having to epoxy coat my mating wood surfaces as the excess resin from the cloth is squeezed out through the joints. the next day I unclamped the tube and pulled the copper pipe out then just pulled on the innertube and it released itself and pulled out. any innertube extending outside the shaft will bulge like crazy you can wrap it with tape or just slide some pvc water pipe over the exposed tube. the only reason I used the 1/2" copper is that is what was lying around you could use just about anything or possibly stretch the tube between two "C" clamps on a 2x4 without anything in the center . Enough of the poor mans vacuum bagging for now

Later Bill

Messages In This Thread

WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft *Pic*
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 10:32 am
Re: Good Going Shawn!! *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 7/30/2000, 9:04 pm
Blade Idea
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 5:52 pm
Re: Why stop there? *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 8/1/2000, 11:22 am
Re: Why stop there?
Shawn B -- 8/1/2000, 1:36 pm
Re: Thank you Shawn!
Bill Boyd -- 8/1/2000, 8:26 pm
Don't you know where to stop?????
mike allen ---> -- 8/1/2000, 12:36 pm
Re: Blade Idea - Like for Kent Boutillier
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 7:28 pm
Lamenting le LE lost, lonely & leftout - (nt)
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 7:42 pm
Re: Good Going Shawn!!
Ross Leidy -- 7/31/2000, 10:14 am
Re: Good Going Shawn!!
Bill Boyd -- 7/31/2000, 11:49 am
Seal the inside with epoxy
Dale Frolander -- 7/28/2000, 2:39 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Spidey -- 7/27/2000, 5:08 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Nicholson -- 7/27/2000, 5:35 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 6:49 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
TomRobb -- 7/28/2000, 10:27 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 5:26 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Spidey -- 7/27/2000, 6:21 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Ron Eike -- 7/28/2000, 7:37 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Rehd -- 7/27/2000, 1:20 pm
Re: Possible failure?
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 2:50 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Rob Forsell -- 7/27/2000, 12:57 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Don Beale -- 7/27/2000, 12:28 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 12:58 pm
Re:I have to disagree with the crowd
Don Beale -- 7/28/2000, 12:05 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Hanks -- 7/27/2000, 1:32 pm
Re: Got weep holes?
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 1:52 pm
eliminate the need for weepholes
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/28/2000, 1:08 am
Re: Got weep holes?
Craig Doyle -- 7/27/2000, 2:59 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
peter czerpak -- 7/27/2000, 12:13 pm
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 12:56 pm
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/28/2000, 10:12 am
Possible composite core technique
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/28/2000, 12:56 am
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Bill Boyd -- 7/27/2000, 9:36 pm
Re: Hollow core=Brilliant!
Shawn Baker -- 7/28/2000, 12:29 am
Re: yup *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 7/29/2000, 4:00 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Hanks -- 7/27/2000, 11:05 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 1:01 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
j -- 7/28/2000, 3:51 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Jason -- 7/28/2000, 4:26 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
jtmc -- 7/28/2000, 11:38 pm
Re: Twist in Bird's Mouth
Shawn B -- 7/28/2000, 4:22 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Ross Leidy -- 7/27/2000, 10:44 am