Boat Building Forum

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Re: Hollow core=Brilliant!
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 7/28/2000, 12:29 am
In Response To: Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth (Bill Boyd)

Bill, Sounds like a truly brilliant solution!! Have any pictures?


: Hi Shawn a few months ago I built a hollow cedar shaft paddle with a
: 3/4" dia hole in the center and fiberglassed the inside of the shaft
: with 6 oz cloth the shaft came out nice and light with lots of flex and so
: far bulletproof axcept that the shaft gets dinged easily. But your idea
: for the oval shaft seems as if it would work out great for me. I used a
: 10' length of 1/2" id copper pipe and cut a bicycle innertube about
: 6" from the valve and clamped the tube to the pipe at one end then
: stretched the rest of it down the pipe about 8' then clamped it in
: position there . I then wound epoxy soaked bias cut cloth around the
: innertube after of course coating it first with release agent (car
: polish), then assembled my four piece square shaft around it and clamped
: it in several places with a few wraps of vinyl eletricians tape then
: inflated the tube untill the joints opened up slightly and the epoxy began
: oozing out then after about ten minutes release the pressure slightly and
: wrapped the entire length with tape and increase the pressure a small
: amount. check your shaft for straigtness , and the air pressure from time
: to time. This also saved me from having to epoxy coat my mating wood
: surfaces as the excess resin from the cloth is squeezed out through the
: joints. the next day I unclamped the tube and pulled the copper pipe out
: then just pulled on the innertube and it released itself and pulled out.
: any innertube extending outside the shaft will bulge like crazy you can
: wrap it with tape or just slide some pvc water pipe over the exposed tube.
: the only reason I used the 1/2" copper is that is what was lying
: around you could use just about anything or possibly stretch the tube
: between two "C" clamps on a 2x4 without anything in the center .
: Enough of the poor mans vacuum bagging for now

: Later Bill

Messages In This Thread

WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft *Pic*
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 10:32 am
Re: Good Going Shawn!! *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 7/30/2000, 9:04 pm
Blade Idea
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 5:52 pm
Re: Why stop there? *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 8/1/2000, 11:22 am
Re: Why stop there?
Shawn B -- 8/1/2000, 1:36 pm
Re: Thank you Shawn!
Bill Boyd -- 8/1/2000, 8:26 pm
Don't you know where to stop?????
mike allen ---> -- 8/1/2000, 12:36 pm
Re: Blade Idea - Like for Kent Boutillier
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 7:28 pm
Lamenting le LE lost, lonely & leftout - (nt)
mike allen ---> -- 7/31/2000, 7:42 pm
Re: Good Going Shawn!!
Ross Leidy -- 7/31/2000, 10:14 am
Re: Good Going Shawn!!
Bill Boyd -- 7/31/2000, 11:49 am
Seal the inside with epoxy
Dale Frolander -- 7/28/2000, 2:39 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Spidey -- 7/27/2000, 5:08 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Nicholson -- 7/27/2000, 5:35 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 6:49 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
TomRobb -- 7/28/2000, 10:27 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 5:26 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Spidey -- 7/27/2000, 6:21 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Ron Eike -- 7/28/2000, 7:37 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Rehd -- 7/27/2000, 1:20 pm
Re: Possible failure?
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 2:50 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Rob Forsell -- 7/27/2000, 12:57 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Don Beale -- 7/27/2000, 12:28 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 12:58 pm
Re:I have to disagree with the crowd
Don Beale -- 7/28/2000, 12:05 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Hanks -- 7/27/2000, 1:32 pm
Re: Got weep holes?
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 1:52 pm
eliminate the need for weepholes
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/28/2000, 1:08 am
Re: Got weep holes?
Craig Doyle -- 7/27/2000, 2:59 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
peter czerpak -- 7/27/2000, 12:13 pm
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 12:56 pm
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/28/2000, 10:12 am
Possible composite core technique
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/28/2000, 12:56 am
Re: Composite cored Bird's Mouth
Bill Boyd -- 7/27/2000, 9:36 pm
Re: Hollow core=Brilliant!
Shawn Baker -- 7/28/2000, 12:29 am
Re: yup *Pic*
Bill Boyd -- 7/29/2000, 4:00 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Mike Hanks -- 7/27/2000, 11:05 am
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Shawn B -- 7/27/2000, 1:01 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
j -- 7/28/2000, 3:51 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Jason -- 7/28/2000, 4:26 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
jtmc -- 7/28/2000, 11:38 pm
Re: Twist in Bird's Mouth
Shawn B -- 7/28/2000, 4:22 pm
Re: WoodenBoat Bird's Mouth Paddle Shaft
Ross Leidy -- 7/27/2000, 10:44 am