Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
By:Bill Hamm
Date: 5/18/2010, 12:21 am

: I am going to try everything I can before I drive a screw it the
: boat, but as a last ditch effort a screw would be quite
: effective especially if I can't get it to go so I can continue
: stripping. I do plan on gobbing the inside with hot glue in
: hopes that it will help in the end.

: Dave.

Remember that the forms do have to be released from the hull at some point. Big globs of hot melt glue will make this quite difficult later on and tend to take big pieces of cedar with them. The screws are just temporary clamps, not part of the finished boat.

Bill H.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/16/2010, 6:33 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ric -- 5/17/2010, 3:51 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/17/2010, 9:04 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Bill Hamm -- 5/18/2010, 12:21 am
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ian johnson -- 5/18/2010, 1:07 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/18/2010, 7:51 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern! *PIC*
Ian Johnson -- 5/17/2010, 5:56 am
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/17/2010, 7:53 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ian Johnson -- 5/17/2010, 10:58 pm