Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
By:Ian johnson
Date: 5/18/2010, 1:07 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern! (Bill Hamm)

: Remember that the forms do have to be released from the hull at
: some point. Big globs of hot melt glue will make this quite
: difficult later on and tend to take big pieces of cedar with
: them. The screws are just temporary clamps, not part of the
: finished boat.

: Bill H.

I agree. If a screw is what it takes, then use one. The resulting 2-3mm
hole will be so insignificant. When you show your mates the boat, you'll have to
point it out, since they won't notice it otherwise. "see that dot there? There - I had to use a screw there to make
the damn strips conform!"

I also found it helpful to run the strips 1-2' past the end. This overhang was useful to exert a twisting force on, to help the strips completed the quite severe twist around this area.

Cheers Ian

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/16/2010, 6:33 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ric -- 5/17/2010, 3:51 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/17/2010, 9:04 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Bill Hamm -- 5/18/2010, 12:21 am
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ian johnson -- 5/18/2010, 1:07 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/18/2010, 7:51 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern! *PIC*
Ian Johnson -- 5/17/2010, 5:56 am
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
dave g -- 5/17/2010, 7:53 pm
Re: Strip: Guillemot stern is kinda stern!
Ian Johnson -- 5/17/2010, 10:58 pm